: nickqian8888
安诺科技(北京恒远安诺科技有限公司),致力于为客户提供德国及欧洲生产的各类工控机电设备、仪器仪表、零配件,保证*。公司总部设在欧洲航空中心法兰克福,距法兰克福机场仅35km, 通过拼单发货的物流方式,小订单也不用承担高运费,zui大程度地为客户节省采购成本,因此本公司所有产品均不设zui小订单金额或zui小订购数量。
Pulsar Guard 2010
• Burst filter bag detection• Detects impending blockages• Detects flow and no flow of solids• Detects pump cavitation• Valve leakage detection• Detects Bridging or Rat-holing in silos• Material flow/route verification• Bearing failureThe Pulsar Guard 2010 sensor detects structure borne acoustic signals caused by the movement of material. This movement causes impacts and frictional contact with a containing face, for example the inside of a pipe. The sensor is fastened to the outside of the structure, and its high frequency detection picks up these signals, which are often undetectable to the human ear. The high frequency detection allows use in environments where there is a high degree of machinery or process noise, without interference. Pulsar Guard‘s non-invasive nature allows easy fit to most pipes, chutes or feed mechanisms without stopping the process.